Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hydroelectric in Malaysia

Terengganu Hydroelectric Dam 400MW installed capacity
  • Sultan Mahmud Power Station 4X100MW

Cameron Highlands Dam 262MW installed capacity
  • Jor Dam 100MW
  • Woh Dam 150MW
  • Odak Dam 4.2MW
  • Habu Dam 5.5MW
  • Kampung Raja Dam 0.8MW
  • Kampung Terla Dam 0.5MW
  • Robinson Falls Dam 0.9MW
Sungai Perak Hydroelectric Dam installed capacity
  • Bersia Dam 72MW
  • Chenderoh Power Station 40.5MW
  • Kenering Power Station 120MW
  • Sungai Piah upper dam 14.6MW
  • Sungai Piah lower dam 54MW
  • Temenggor Power Station 348MW

Monday, April 18, 2011

Top 3 The World's Largest Power Plants

No 1 - Three Gorges 18,460 MW

China No 2 - Itaipu 14,750 MW Brazil/Paraguay

No 3 - Simon Bolivar (Guri) 10,055 MW

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Micro hydro: how it works

Micro hydro uses diverted river water to local produce up to 100 KW of power. Very useful in water rich areas where access to other energy sources is difficult. Find out how it works in this minute long silent animation.

The ecological impact of small-scale hydro is minimal; but the low-level environmental effects must be taken into consideration before construction begins. Stream water will be diverted away from part of the stream, so proper caution must be exercised to ensure there is no damaging impact on the local ecology.