Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hydroelectricity Dam or Hydroelectricity Power Station

Dam Hydroelectricity Description

Area of Dam Hydroelectricity Station

Align Center
Dam Hydroelectricity Major Components

Dam Hydroelectricity Picture

How the Dam hydroelectric works? The water is held in a reservoir as per picture above (Dam Hydroelectricity), behind the dam, the water close to the control gates is where the intake is, and when the control gates open, the water rushes through the penstock and turns the turbine. After the water does so, it goes through the outflow into the river. The turbine spins the generator, and the electricity goes to the transformer in the powerhouse. Then the transformer transforms the electricity into a usable form, and the electricity travels through the power lines and goes to homes and businesses.

One more thing that is needed is location. To build a dam there has to be valleys and rivers. This will help with the building of the dam. There has to be great location or it won’t work. The land cannot be flat, or there is no way to build a dam. Canada, USA, the former USSR, Brazil, China, Norway, Japan, Sweden, India, and France all use hydroelectric energy. These countries are in order from the largest number of kilowatts in billions that are used each year.

There are advantages and disadvantages of using hydroelectricity energy. Here are some of the advantages. It is renewable, clean, non-polluting, and it prevents floods. Not all dams produce electricity, but they prevent flooding, and others do both.

As said, there are advantages of using hydroelectricity energy. There are disadvantages too. Here are some of the disadvantages. Hydroelectricity dams can harm many species that live on the area, the land around the dam can be destroyed, and the furious turbines will kill the fish.

As said before, dam hydroelectricity energy is one of many sources of electricity in the world. The future of hydroelectricity power is looking like it will still be used in the next century or more, because the world will still have plenty of running water and the need for lots of non-polluting energy.

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