Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric Project


Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric Project

The Ulu Jelai Hydro still in contruction and it is about
30% completed. 

The main contractor of this Ulu Jelai project 
is TM Salini Consortium. While the consultant
to this project is SMEC Malaysia. 

Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric is expected to generate 
372MW in the future. 

The hydro project mostly will contribute a lot 
to cater high cost of coal price and fuel price. 

Even though the initial cost quite high to 
setup a hydro project, but the return in the
long term is very  much in profit already since
it used water only to move the turbine in order 
to generate electricity. 

Target completion date will be early 2016.

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